
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Negative body image? Kill that bitch!

About making your dreams come true

I just realized something, you guys. I've been such a brainwashed idiot for most of my life. I've always been taught (by the media, by my friends, by my equally self conscious mom) to always have a negative body image and to think that achieving physical perfection in the form of a thin, smooth body is somehow the key to happiness. Look good and you'll be happy with yourself. Boy is this one of the biggest lies of our lives!

In reality, it's really the other way around. Be happy with yourself, and how you feel will definitely reflect on how you look, and your negative body image will shrivel up and die. Don't believe me? Let me prove it with an example from my own life.

This photo was taken at a concert. When I first saw it, my inner critic cringed in disgust, screaming: »Kill it! Kill it with fire!«

Monday, June 13, 2016

Dead inside but still have to study? Have a coffee power nap!

Dead inside but still have to study? Have a coffee power nap!

Dead inside but still have to study? Have a caffeine power nap!
Have a coffee power nap

Well here we are. It's the most wonderful time of the year. The time when all college students suddenly disappear from the face of the planet, when coffee flows in streams down our throats and the bags under our eyes start flapping around in the wind.

Yes, exams have started! Yay! Yay for sleepless nights, yay for piles upon piles upon piles of books and notes (btw, if you want to make your own notebook to make your notes extra pretty, check out my tutorial!) and, of course, and not even sarcastically, yay for coffee!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

8 unbeatable ways to stop thinking and just do it

8 unbeatable ways to stop thinking and just do it

Have you ever gotten a really great idea, got really excited over it, researched everything there is to research about it ... and when it came to realizing that idea, your enthusiasm totally flopped?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

About making your dreams come true

About making your dreams come true

"This idea of yours will never work" or How one single sentence can destroy the chance of something beautiful.
