
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Feelin' Fat? You're Still Beautiful!

The media make us believe that skinny is beautiful and 20 pounds too many means you're doomed. Nobody will ever love you and you will die alone just because you're »fat«.

That's why articles on weight loss exist in millions on the web.

I've spent most of my life (child, teen, and adult) believing that I was fat, and was, as such, imperfect, tarnished, and unworthy of love. Some people in my life did nothing to stop me from believing that. In fact, some people in my life did what they could to keep me believing that.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Stressed Out? Chill out!

Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of recharging your batteries.

Everyone has probably experienced the feeling of being in a producti-shitty spiral. You start feeling overworked and underproductive but you still have so much work left to do. So you force yourself into working some more, but it only causes you to feel even more overworked, while your productivity plummets further. You force yourself into working some more and you feel worse and worse, until, eventually, you're sitting in your chair, staring blankly in front of you, your mind screaming for a break.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Feeling worthless? We all do sometimes. Read the stories of people who've been there and have made it through.


I have the imagination of a rock.

I start something and can't keep it up.

I can't even follow a simple schedule.

I'm about as useful as non sticky duct tape.